Studio Florin
The stage of the scientific-technical development is based on the convergence of technologies. Instead of an increasing specialization that we can see till now, the possibilities of general view and unifying not only of various sciences, but also of expert processes are open now. Integration demands sharing the culture across the existing fields of scientific disciplines and a new technical language relying on mathematics of complex systems, physics of structures on the level of nano-dimensions and the hierarchic logic of intelligence.




was established after a many-year effort of Miloš Florián at the Czech Technical University /CTU/ in Prague_Faculty of Architecture_Department of Building Construction I. in the autumn 2004. The name FLO│W, previously under the name of Glass/Freeform Architecture,suggests the main focus not only of the projects, but also of the pedagogie activity. The work of the pedagogue, tutors, research of Ph.D. Program and students of the Studio tries to reflect the above mentioned tendencies based on other principles and multidisciplinary co-operation than it has been common till now, in modest conditions. It depends on the individual capabilities of every person.


2004/2005 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Ph.D. ● 2005/2006 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Ph.D., ing. arch. Filip Dubský ● 2006/2007 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Ph.D., ing. arch. Pavel Hladík, MA(AA), ing. arch. Filip Dubský ● 2007/2008 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Ph.D., ing. arch. Marek Růžička ● 2008/2009 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Ph.D., ing. arch. Lukáš Kurilla, ing. arch. Marek Růžička ● 2009/2010 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Ph.D., ing. arch. Lukáš Kurilla, ing. arch. Marek Růžička ● 2010/2011 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Associate Professor, Ph.D.; ing. arch. Lukáš Kurilla, ing. arch. Marek Růžička ● 2011/2012 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Associate Professor, Ph.D.; ing. arch. Lukáš Kurilla, ing. arch. Marek Růžička ● 2012/2013 ing. arch. Miloš Florián, Associate Professor, Ph.D.; ing. arch. Lukáš Kurilla, ing. arch. Marek Růžička ● Research of Ph.D. Program ●



● The members of the Studio are facing the challenging interdisciplinary process of planning the buildings, which is i.a. based on the studies of not only conventional, but especially smart materials and interesting innovative construction systems. The projects are further evaluated by the means of video, virtual reality and models on the principle of the technology of e-manufacturing. The studies are aimed at the following ten interacting spheres:


• Innovative construction systems

• Glass as a construction material

• Smart materials

• Low-energy buildings

• CAD/CAM and CAD/CAE technology

• Automation and robotisation

• Digital factory

• BIM/PLM Product Lifecycle Management

• Quantum systems

• Nanotechnology


Just in this connection in the frame of their studies the students apply computer simulations inspired by the natural processes. Computation paradigmas, as the evolutionary algorithms, neural networks, celular computation, swarm computation, molecular computation, quantum computation, amorphous computation are projected into the process of planning the free-form architecture in the form of glass glued structures, network space shells, membrane structures, extreme textile structures, tensegrity structures, retractable structures, transformable structures, expandable structures, deployable structures, slide-together structures, three-dimensional and dynamic structures based on Leonardo grids, origami structures, sandwich structures, honeycomb structures, adaptable structures, kinetic structures, swarm structures, robotic structures, robo-copters structures, etc. With the growing influence of digitally-driven technologies on the work of architects even the stress laid by the architectural and constructional firms on it is growing.


● Studio FLOW is of the opinion that a digitally-driven architecture should be flexible, interactive and adaptable. Software is a driving force in all the phases of the structure planning and rise of the building′s architecture. A characteristic feature is continuous effort of innovation. Architecture becomes inspired by the natural processes projecting into the procedure of planning based on application of evolutionary technologies enriched both by advanced simulations, animations and the tools of building structure design, and by parametric design systems and script methods. By the creative engagement of algorithms an architect, a designer or a student can generate endless number of similar structures of buildings, which means a geometry output of predetermined dimensional, referential and functional dependencies. The structure is defined by algorithms entered by a row of variables as, for example, the needs of users, climate parameters, behaviour, a number and dimension of the particular components. If the algorithmic scripts that determine the shape and location of the components are written additionally in a rather general way, it is possible to change the input parameters, and thus also the final design of the building structure. The evolutionary models make possible the combination of atomic structure and mechanic properties of the material with macro behaviour of the building structure as a whole embodied into the dynamic environment. Architecture and urbanism can be based on the swarm theory, where the built environment is defined as a space that is formed by smart components and robots, which cooperate together not only with each other, but also with the users. Evolutionary inspired process of planning is understood as a process of optimation, where anadequate solution can be found in the space of all possible solutions. The digitally-driven architecture aims at the paradigmatic shift from static via interactive to adaptable structures sensitive to application of materials and exploitation of natural sources.


Studio FLOW generally acts on the principle of parametric and generative planning based on the application of digital technologies enriched both with advanced animations, simulations and tools for planning the structure of a building, and with the parametric project systems and script methods. By the means of parametrization an architect, a designer, a projector or a student can generate endless number of similar structures of buildings or projects, which in other words, means a geometry output of predetermined dimensional, referential and functional dependencies. The structure is defined by algorithms that are entered by a row of variables as, for example, the dimension and number of the particular components. If the algorithmic scripts that determine the shape and location of the structural components are written in a rather general way, it is possible to change the input parameters, and thus also the final expression. Evaluation and development of the variants remain fully in the competence of the author-planners, in contrast to the automatic substitution of various parameters in the form, design, architectural model or the whole structure. In a parametric design, instead of the form, its concrete parameters are defined, which in the combination with digital technologies can be exploited for iterative methods of design and optimation. An ideal are structurally oriented models of  buildings, where the growth is potentially controlled by the whole developing structure through the existing components of this structure. Concentration of the growth models allows the combinations of an atomic structure and mechanic properties of the material with the macro-behaviour of the building structure located as a whole in the dynamic environment. This leads to various models in various materials bound on large structures of buildings related to the specific properties of materials. Optimation of constructions and feasibility of architectures on the principle of planning the buildings directly from tailored components is occuring: the aim is saving of materials, production and realization of buildings friendly to the environments. An algorithmic architecture is emerging. 


● It is possible to state that in some fields of planning the architecture the members of the Studio gain reception even abroad publishing of works /e.g. in the book „Distinguishing Digital Architecture“, editor by Yu-Tung Liu, Birkhäuser, etc./, appreciation in competitions /e.g. FEIDAD Award, Philips Award, Pilkington Competition, CENTRAL GROUP, Techtextil - Textile Structures for New Building 2013, etc./, and gaining of the study stays at schools /e.g. AA London, TU Delft, TU Munich, TU Berlin, Universität Stuttgart, RWTH Aachen, ISU-International Space University Strasbourg_Agency NASA, University of Pensylvania, etc./ and in studios /e.g. Renzo Piano Workshop, Specialist Modelling Group Foster and Partners London, Arup AGU London, Arup Associates London, AECOM London, Heatherwick Studio London, Jürgen Mayer H. Architects Berlin, LAVA [Laboratory for Visionary Architecture] Stuttgart_Berlin_Sydney, ONL [Oosterhuis_Lénárd], etc./.


The interdisciplinary co-operation takes its place with the architects, construction engineers, tutors, students and scientists of the academic institutions /e.g. Czech Technical University in Prague_CIDEAS_Centre for Integrated Design of Advanced Structures, Czech Technical University in Prague_Department of Microenvironmental and Building Services Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague_Faculty of Civil Engineering_Institute of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, University of Technology in Brno_Institute of Structural Mechanics, etc./ and experts /e.g. Federico Díaz&Supermedia, Vector Foiltec Czech, Firmconsult s.r.o. Engineering Export, Archtex, Philips Lighting Czech Republic, University of Technology in Brno_3D Studio_Faculty of Art, Hacker Model Production a.s., HMAT s.r.o. Bratislava, Syscae, Studio LUNA s.r.o., Compotech, Shape Art, Happy Materials, DuPont Building Innovations Czech Republic and Slovakia, Nowatron Elektronik, Sipral, etc./.


In the Studio we welcome non-conformal people, because they have the properties that are the guarantee of the independence and distinct creativity necessary for solving both the traditional and non-traditional tasks. We do not require a passive approach: the aim of our work is not the education of epigons, but developing of one's own opinion. »»»