Studio Florián

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• The Studio of Miloš Florián focusses on: 1. Designing energetic efficient buildings in connection with intelligent skins from glass on the base of computer simulation. The glass façade can be really designated as intelligent only when it uses the renewable natural resources of energy, the energy of the sun or wind, air flows, or water or earth as the sources of heat, so as to ensure the demands put on the building as regards heating, cooling and lighting. For this purpose the computer simulations, which can visually demonstrate the speed, temperature and intensity of air flows. So as to efficiently use the measures of energy preservation, it means that all the energetic conception must develop in the stage of designing to reach an effective interaction between the façade, the environments and the systems of buildings. Simultaneously with this way of designing the recognition of examples of façade glazing is connected. The skin is usually assembler from transparent, translucent or printed isolation glass panes that are embedded into sliding, hinged sashing or pivoting windows wings. Holographic-optical elements /HOE/, systems of day lighting and photovoltaic cells, which present overheating by solar radiation, distribute the dispersed daylight into the rooms and produce energy, can be integrated in the glazing. Other components are glass panes with electrochromic, gaschromic and electrooptic films /Obůrka: Centre of modern architecture/. 2. Designing with glass as a construction material /Růžička: InfoSculpture, the first design of a smart stuck and glued all-glass home freeform construction/. 3. Designing of systems that could ensure optimum feasibility of architecture of fantastic shapes of buildings, structures and urbanistic forms which recently the new generation of architects have used to answer the interest in the theory of chaos, fractal geometry and accelerating development in other fields, especially in informatics, artificial intelligence, material engineering, molecular biology, genetics and nanoscience. Attention is turning to fully automated construction firms that use software on the principle CAD/CAM technology not only for preparing models and prototypes, but also to their production /Kulštejn: Centre of modern architecture, Kutálek: Take off House/. In this connection it is often spoken about designing by the method of Digital Prototyping, about designing by Rapid Prototyping and others that are a moving motive to solving various evolutionary tasks today. The advantage of this digital designing is not only a precisely dimensed and shaped piece from various materials, but then eventually a perfect object made from all the pieces in a very short time /Hulín: Centre of modern architecture/. 4. Automation and robotization in engineering and building. 5. Nanoscience and nanotechnology. »»

• I have realised that the architecture has till recently meant a presentation of an unchangeable set of carefully defined typologies and finished tectonic systems. This is changing now. In the course of time the designing has got rid of the burden of having always to mean something fixed and the process of planning gradually gains enough easiness and freedom to play. At the same time an important role in this is not only played by the contemporary art and architecture, where we are witnesses of the fact how the experiments and manifestos are born in the virtual space of a computer, but also by revealing the concept of energy.
Everything around us is namely energy. However banal this statement may sound, the energy is still a great unknown that we must work with. I tis necessary to come to see the importace of energy in relation to certain topics and recently even to the necessity of reducing its consumption to a suitable level.
So the problems of today are: How much energy is it necessary for realization of a building? How much energy can be used for processing materials, raw materials and for transportation? How the answers of these questions influence our design and happens with the used material, when the building is pulled down?
When monitoring the technical development of buildings, it is possible to follow the shifting of decisive parameters according to economic demands: the construction effectivity in the sense of „intelligent“ bearing constructions as means for saving materials was replaced by building methods, often automated, saving the labour force by using exactly made simple components of a building set. Together with reducing the operational consumption also the consumption of energy in manufacturing and completing the used materials is reduced.
Material became the base and means of all constructions, and it is the main parameter for their effectivity, because it relates to all important aspects as aesthetics, enveloping, bearing construction and climate.
The work with material means, on one hand, continuous research, development and working on new technical principles, but also ensuring the passing analysis of the performance of materials. It comprises not only the ability of materials to carry out the performance in the frame of a certain construction, i.e. the bearing qualities, to fulfil functions, but also to evaluate the energy needed for its providing, production, processing and employment.
Considering the length of life of the building one must think about the alternative materials, their renewability and others. The focusing does not only lie in the very development of the aesthetic design, but also in the capability of realizing the design by means of sensible and suitable technical conceptions which besides an ingenious conception of constructions includes also a suitable choice of materials for the buildings that can only be planned for a short-term or a temporary use.
For all of these I give an example, where the development of light transparent and translucent façades of 1990s represent technical challenges which are getting their answers nowadays in the form of functional distribution of the façade functions into several layers. In the light of now production methods and improving duality of electronic intelligence one can see the perspective of reconnection of the façade systems into one layer. The integration of these technologies into the skin provides a potential realization of functionally new, for example breathing or sweating façades.
With the awareness of all that and for reaching always better results of architectonic studies it would be very useful, if the educational, research and planning institutions worked together on the conception and experimental solutions of constructional and climatic problems. The fundamentals concept should be the creation of a web of knowledge basis on the base of bearing constructions, enveloping of buildings and a climatic design according to concrete tasks and probléme, and providing technical solutions for both aesthetic and construction problems this way. Design and effectivity are concepts that necessarily interacts with each other. »»
The aim of connecting visionary conceptions with technical possibilities would be completed by regular co-operation in students′ projects, during the seminars, conferences and in publications. / » Miloš Florián: Očima architekta a pedagoga, p. 85. The magazine ARCHITEKT 12/2008, ISSN 0862-7010 / »»
Jakub Obůrka: Skleněný dům

Jakub Obůrka

Glass House

Jaroslav Hulín: Centrum moderní architektury v Brně

Jaroslav Hulín

Centrum moderní architektury v Brně

Marek Růžička: InfoSculpture Jeseníky

Marek Růžička

InfoSculpture Jeseníky

Martin Kulštejn: Centrum moderní architektury v Brně

Martin Kulštejn

Centrum moderní architektury v Brně

Michal Kutálek: Take Off House

Michal Kutálek

Take Off House

Michaela Jehlíková Janečková: Dům U Zvonu Plzeň

Michaela Jehlíková Janečková

Dům U Zvonu Plzeň

Jaroslav Hulín: Centrum moderní architektury v Brně

Jaroslav Hulín

Centrum moderní architektury v Brně

Michal Kutálek: Rekonstrukce jezuitské koleje Uherské Hradiště

Michal Kutálek

Rekonstrukce jezuitské koleje Uherské Hradiště

Roman Steinbach: Shopping Center Folmava

Roman Steinbach

Shopping Center Folmava